“The Stars & The Osprey” begins with Lightman's late-night experience alone on the ocean when he felt connected to the stars and ends with a memorable eye-to-eye encounter with a wild creature. Alan attempts to reconcile these transcendent experiences with the material world of atoms and molecules. Can science explain such experiences in terms of the brain? Are we humans nothing but matter?
Watch the full program here or on your local public television station.
To maximize accessibility, all three SEARCHING programs have Audio Description/DVI as well as Closed Captions and ASL, created by Dicapta under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (H327C210001), and a Spanish language Second Audio Program.
To access the DVI/Audio Description and English or Spanish audio tracks click on Settings, and then Audio track. There you will find 4 choices: English descriptive; English original; Spanish original and Spanish descriptive.
In addition, viewers can use accessibility elements through the All4Access app. Follow the how-to-use instructions and enjoy the accessibility regardless if you watch SEARCHING on TV or streaming.
For additional instructions on how to use the SAP and ASL on the All4Access app, click here.